Sourton Parish Council
A civil parish at the heart of beautiful Devon

Council meetings

Parish Council Meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month. Any changes to this will be notified on the local info/news page. Members of the public are invited to use the public participation time at the beginning of the meeting to raise any issues or comment on items on the agenda. If a member of the public would like a matter to be put on the agenda for discussion, they can do so by writing to the clerk or the chairman a minimum of 5 days in advance of the meeting.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the parish electorate held between 1st May and the 1st June. It is not a council meeting, but the parish council chairman will call the meeting and chair it if he/she is present. There is no set format for this meeting, but it may for instance include the parish council's annual report, public comment on the council's performance or suggestions for future actions. A speaker on local matters of interest is often invited. If a vote on any matter is called for, all electorate present have a vote.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting is the meeting in which the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and any other Officers are elected. The financial officer will give a report for the year.

Planning Meetings may be called between ordinary meetings when it is necessary to submit comments on applications to West Devon Borough Council or Dartmoor National Park Authority before the date of the next ordinary meeting.

All meetings will be advertised on the website and on the parish notice board on Sourton Village Green at least 3 working days in advance.

To view the agendas and minutes of please click here.
Council Meeting Dates 2024-2025

13th May 
Annual Meeting of the Parish 7pm
This is the first council meeting of the year where the chair, vice chair and
representatives and subcommittee members are chosen. 

Annual Parish Meeting 7:30pm
This is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Sourton to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to their local community.

3 rd June 2024
8th July 2024
2nd September
14th October 2024 - to avoid Harvest festival
4th November 2024
2nd December 2024 
6th January 2025
3rd February 2025 
3rd March 2025
7th April 2025

Sourton Parish Council
Coombe Farm
Lake, Sourton
Devon EX20 4HQ

Tel: 07792958675
Copyright © Sourton Parish Council