What is your parish council?
Your parish council is an elected body in the first tier of local government. It is a corporate body, a legal entity separate from that of its members. Its decisions are the responsibility of the whole body. The parish council has been granted powers by Parliament including the authority to raise money by taxation (the precept, which is the local council's share of the council tax), and a range of powers to spend public money.
What does it do?Sourton Parish Council gives financial support to local groups or projects that will benefit the community, please see the Policy page for the Grant policy and application form or contact the clerk for more information.
Some of the main issues that concern Sourton parish council are - planning, highways, community safety, street lighting, litter, seats and shelters & the village green. If you have a concern please contact a councillor or clerk for assistance/advice or we can direct you to the correct authority.
Reporting an issue to Devon County Council https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/
Reporting an issue to West Devon Borough Council https://www.westdevon.gov.uk/report
Who can be a parish Councillor?The full compliment for Sourton Parish Council is seven. Parish elections are held every four years, the last one being in May 2023. To stand for election you must be a British National or qualifying citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Community, be over eighteen years old and be an elector. In addition you will qualify if for the 12 months previous to nomination you either have lived in the parish, lived within 3 miles of the parish, or had your main place of work within the parish. If no more than seven people stand for election, then those seven will automatically become members of the council without the need for an election.
Councillor Vacancy Procedure Once a Councillor vacancy has arisen the notice must be displayed as soon as practicable but in consultation with WDBC Elections Team to check the dates. However, if the vacancy has arisen due to a death, it is courteous that the notice is not displayed until after the funeral has taken place.
A copy of the vacancy notice must be sent to the Returning Officer, WDBC, Kilworthy Park, Drake Road, Tavistock, PL19 0BZ, so that the progress can be monitored.
The vacancy notice must be displayed on the Parish noticeboard for 14 working days (not counting Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or bank holidays). During this time 10 electors may request an election by writing to the Returning Officer. After the 14 days, the Returning Officer will notify the Clerk in writing of the outcome. An election will only take place if 10 electors have requested it in writing.
If no election has been requested, then the Parish Council must co-opt to fill the vacancy unless it is within 6 months of the forthcoming Parish ordinary elections.
If a vacancy occurs within 6 months of the Parish Council’s forthcoming ordinary elections then the election will not be held, however, the vacancy may be filled by co-option if wished, but the Council is not obliged to do so.
Co-option Procedure If a by-election has not been called the Council may ask for volunteers to fill the co-option. It should be by a notice on the website, noticeboard and in BaSE Magazine asking for anyone wishing to serve as a Councillor to complete a short application form which will include their reasons for wanting to become a Parish Councillor together with their legal qualifications (citizenship /electoral register etc), a declaration and consent by a set date. The Parish Council will then consider all applications at a meeting.
Only Parish Councillors present at the meeting may nominate, second or vote upon the person to fill the vacancy.
Councillors will receive a copy of the application form of those wishing to be considered as a Councillor.
Councillors must then decide if they wish to nominate any of the persons named at the meeting or any other persons known to them.
A Councillor does not have to nominate any of the persons named. Any Councillor may nominate someone for the vacancy, provided the person is willing to be nominated and the nomination is seconded; that name may then be voted upon.
Voting to fill the vacancy is done by a show of hands (unless the Council adopts Standing Orders which allow any other form of voting in Council). If there is only one vacancy, a Councillor may only nominate or second one candidate.
Candidates will be asked to leave the room while the voting takes place.
The Chairman should place the names of those properly nominated into alphabetical order and take a vote. Councillors only have one vote each.
The first candidate to receive an absolute majority of those present and voting is declared elected.
Should no single candidate receive a majority on the first vote, the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. Voting takes place on the remainder of the candidates (one vote per Councillor) until one person receives an absolute majority.
The Parish Council is here to represent you and also to enable parishioners to have an input in wider national issues. Your views do count, so please keep us informed on any matters in the parish that concern you.
Current VacanciesSourton Parish Council currently has two vacancies that can be filled by co option. To apply please send the completed application form available below to the Clerk or contact the Clerk for more information.
Co Option Application FormIndividual Councillors may be contacted via the Clerk 07792958675 or parishclerk@sourtonpc.org.uk